Unique Curriculum

The curriculum is the heart of the education process. It is a social tool that plays a powerful role to help shape the society. The social forces active in a society are reflected in its history, culture and the people living that culture. In realizing the vital role that schools need to play in keeping alive the cultural heritage, simultaneously also bringing in the elements of progressive developments and ideas, the curriculum of our educational institution was developed.

Keeping pace with the technological innovations and cultural diffusion of ideas and developments, the design and key ideas that define our curriculum have also changed. These factors then play a major role in influencing every discussion taken regarding planning and development of a research-based curriculum. The learning experiences that need to be designed to facilitate the achievement of these goals then create a need for us to decide certain tangible goals. Our school has very consciously taken its decision to design a skill-based approach by defining what we would like our children to be able to do.

Beginning with the pre-school, Lotus Veda revolutionized early childhood education with a new approach to teaching and learning. Research based and child focused, the curriculum uses a carefully designed process i.e the “Experiential Learning” or “Active Participatory Learning” to achieve powerful and positive outcomes.

The curriculum not only helps young children excel in language and cognitive learning but also promotes independence, curiosity decision making, cooperation, persistence, creativity and problem solving- the fundamental skills that help determine success in adult life. Lotus Veda utilizes a multi- sensory approach (auditory, visual, tactile and kinesthetic) to teaching. With this approach, our teachers focus on facilitating the learning process of each child. The system provides a consistent and high quality delivery a teaching methodology that engages all of child’s senses.